Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2004;26(3): 95-98.
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Prevalence of Hearing Loss among Medical Students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

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Background and Objectives: This study was performed to investigate the hearing loss among the medical students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. Materials and Methods: In this study, 262 students of Medicine were randomly selected from different years of their medical education and were assessed through audiometry and tympanometry tests to find out if/why they experience any hearing loss. Results: The study revealed that the amount of hearing loss among these students was 9.5 percent, which was higher than the mean of hearing loss in the community in general. This was attributed to the noise pollution. The study also considered the awareness and behaviour of the statistical population about their hearing level comparing the results with those of the clinical and paraclinical examinations. Conclusion: It is proposed that audiometric examinations to be carried out along with vision examinations.
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Submitted: 28 Jul 2013
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