Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2009;31(1): 35-37.
  Abstract View: 572
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Comparison of Preoperative Prostate Volume Determination by Transabdominal Ultrasonography with Prostatectomy Specimens

Kamaledin Hassanzadah*, Samad Hazhir, Seid Kazem Madaien
*Corresponding Author: Email: dr hassanzadehka@yahoo.com


Background and Objectives: Ultrasonography of prostate is one of the most useful modalities in urology that is widely used for evaluation of prostatic diseases as well as volume measurement and detection of neoplastic lesions. This study was aimed to determine the volume of prostate and ideal management based on well detection during 1997-2000 Materials and Methods: In this clinical trail the studied population included patients reffered in Sina hospital during 2 Years with prostatism and surgical indication. First were determined volume with Trans Abdominal sonography and last determined with Water displacement method. Results: There was a significant statistical relation between estimated volumes using transabdominal sonogrphy and real volume. (R=0.95, P<0.001), as the Linear relation between these two parameter Showed that abdominal ultrasonograpgy shows the prostate Volume greater than real volume. The linear relation is:Prostate volume after operation =0.479 sonographic volume of prostate + 7.043 The mean sonographic volume was 63.8899 and mean volume after operation was 33.8116. Conclusion: Based on our results, volume of prostates in transabdomind sonography is more than real volume and the results of this study can improve management of BPH.
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Submitted: 02 Nov 2009
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