Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2018;40(4): 92-97.
  Abstract View: 637
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Original Article

Comparison of acoustic features of vowel formants in patient with spastic dysarthria with healthy person: case report

Bijan Shafiei 1, Behzad Ahmadpour 2*

1 Communication Disorders Research Center, School of Rehabilitation, Isfahan University of Medical Science, Isfahan, Iran.
2 School of Rehabilitation, Isfahan University of Medical Science, Isfahan, Iran.
*Corresponding Author: Email: Behzad.Ahmadpour@yahoo.com


Spastic dysarthria is a motor speech disorder. It can cause hypernasaliy in speech, inappropriate prosody in speech, misarticulation and variable speech rate which often make the speech unintelligible. In many studies, acoustic analysis has been recommended to determine the type and quality of dysarthria. Most researchers have been introduced acoustic features formant structure as the most important characteristic of physical and perceptual and first, second and third formants have mentioned as the acoustic properties for evaluation of tongue and lips movement restrictions. In this study, we also examined acoustic features of vowel formants in patient with spastic dysarthria and compared with homogeneous healthy person to determine tongue and lips movement characterizes in patient with spastic dysarthria. Results showed that mean of frequencies F1, F2, F3 in patient with spastic dysarthria in comparison with healthy person are significantly different (p= 0/000). Interpretations of results will be discussed in article.
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Submitted: 23 Sep 2018
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