Background and objestives: pregnancy-induced hypertention and preeclampsia account for about of perinatal morbidities and are leading cause, of maternal deaths in the developing countries. Even in the developed countries death still occurs due to eclampsia. The report of maternal death in the United Kingdom has suggested that substandard care could be implicated in up to 80% of these deaths. The effectiveness of perinatal care on pregnancy outcomes has been described through many observational studies over several years. However, the ways in which the timing and contents of thses cares contribute to outcomes have not been determined yet. The purpose of this study was to assess the quality of perinatal cares at Alavi hospital in Ardabil.
Materials and methods: The study was done on cases with preeclampsia – eclampsia at Alavi hospital during - by completing checklists. One for hospital dossier and the other for health dossier.
Results: The most frequent of preeclampsia belonged to the cases who had perinatal cares during pregnancy (63%). Frequency of severe and mild preeclampsia was found to be the same in all the cases. In cases with insufficient cares, the frequency of severe preeclampsia was twofold more than of mild ones. 90% of eclampsia belonged to the group with insufficient cares. The prevalence of preeclampsia – eclapmsia was estimated 12% at Alavi hospital from which 49.8% were severe, mild and eclamptic. 59% out of cases belonged to rural places and the rest () belonged to urban population. The severity was % in rural and % in urbans. Most of Women with preeclampisa and eclampsia were tthose who with the mean age of 25, primipar , with the mean body weight of 75 kg, housekeeper as well as primary school education level. The majority of them had a history of HTN.
Conclusion: preeclampsia – eclampsia prevalence in Ardabil city was more than world standards and although the majority of pregnant women in Ardabil reffer to health centers during pregnancy but a few of them obtain the sufficient cares.