Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2005;27(3): 125-127.
  Abstract View: 434
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Nervous System


The study of Sympathetic Skin Response Test in Guillain Barre Syndrome

*Corresponding Author: Email: Dr_s_nt@yahoo.com


Background and Objective: To assess autonomic dysfunction signs and symptoms and also skin sympathetic reflex (SSR) in the acute phase of Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) and it's prognostic value. Materials and Methods: forty three patients with GBS who referred for electrodiagnostic study in the first week of their disease were studied. Autonomic system involvement detected with careful clinical examination and SSR study were done for all patients. Prognostic value of test was evaluated with proper analytical tests. Results: Autonomic dysfunction consisted of orthostatic hypotension, cardiac arrhythmia, sweating abnormality, acute gastrointestinal problems and urinary abnormalities were detected in 26 patients (60.5%). SSR was absent in 7 patients (16%) and mean latency time was more prolonged in patients than normal population (p<0.001). their was no significant correlation between SSR results and respiratory failure or severity of weakness and axonal type GBS. Conclusion: Autonomic dysfunction is common in acute phase of GBS. SSR can revealed these abnormalities but it has not prognostic value in the course of disease and we do not recommend it as a routine test in these patients.
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Submitted: 03 Jul 2013
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