Background and Objectives: Heat shock proteins are a part of innate immune system and it change under various situations such as physical activities. There are many discussions about the mechanism of its secretion, following of physical exercise in human blood serum. However there is a question that increasing of Heat shock proteins is following of inflammation or because of cellular injury repair?
Materials and Methods: This study was done on both athletic and inactive men. We collected serum samples for measurement before and after an exhausted incremental test (Bruce test). Data were analyzed by using statistical methods.
Results: Exhausted exercise had significant increase on indices athletic and inactive men serum. Range of changes of norepinephrine, heat shock protein 72 of athlete serums were significant more than inactive men after Bruce test. Amount of changes of creatine kinas between athletes group and inactive men group was not significant after test.
Conclusion: high intensity of physical activity is create more stress and inflammation but more fitness assist with less damage against high intensity activities.