Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2012;34(4): 7-12.
  Abstract View: 642
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Original Article

Comparison of Personality Factors in Multiple Sclerosis Patients and Healthy Subjects by five factor model

Parichehr Ahmadi*, Sevil Mahmood.Alilu
*Corresponding Author: Email: E-mail: dr_parichehr@yahoo.com


Background and Objectives: In recent years there are great emphasized on Psychological problem in different diseases. The aim of this investigation was to study the personality factors in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Patients in compare with healthy subjects. Materials and Methods: In this study 30 patients with MS, compared with 30 healthy individuals who were demographically matched with the case group, in both groups Five Factor Personality Test was performed (Neo). Results: The result of study showed a significant difference between two groups in neuroticism, extraversion, and agreeableness. But the difference in openness and conscientiousness wasn’t significant. Conclusion: The results of our study showed a relationship between MS and personality factors. Personality changes might be assumed as a cause of disease and can affect prognosis.
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Submitted: 05 Dec 2012
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