Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2012;34(2): 21-25.
  Abstract View: 1462
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Original Article

Voice Healthing after Treatment of Laryngeal Nodules (A Comparison between Surgery and Voice Therapy)

Seyed Javad Seyed Toutounchi*, Hajar Yousefzadeh Mobaraki, Neghisa Seyed Toutounchi
*Corresponding Author: Email: E-mail: totonchis@tbzmed.ac.ir


Background and Objectives: Voice is an important communication tool of human and larynx is the organ of making voice. Vocal cord nodules are usually seen in those persons who abuse there voice. The aim of this study was to compare the surgical technique and speech-therapy on voice healthing in patient with laryngeal nodules. Materials and Methods: In this study 60 Patients with the diagnosis of vocal cord nodules were divided in two groups. First group were treated by speech therapy and surgical microscopic excision applied in other group. Results were compared 3 months after completing each modalities. Results: From a total number of 60 patients (M/f–36/24), there were 30 patients (M/F 18/12 mean age 38/3±9/1) in surgical group and 30 patients (M/F 18/12 mean age 37/1±8/71) in voice therapy group. There were no significant differences between the quality of voice in these two group, (P=0.22), the size of laryngeal nodule had a positive correlation with the degree of voice change. Conclusion: The study showed that there is no difference between surgical methods and speech therapy modalities for treatment of laryngeal nodules.
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Submitted: 11 Aug 2012
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