Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2012;34(2): 16-20.
  Abstract View: 648
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Original Article

Hypercalciuria in Immobilized Hospitalized Children

Nemat Bilan, Majid Malaki*
*Corresponding Author: Email: Email: madjidmalaki@gmail.com


Background and Objectives: Hypercalciuria is an important phenomenon with known complications such as, colicy abdominal pain and stone formation, in this study we tried to find the effect of immobilization on calcium excretion in a group of immobilized hospitalized children. Materials and Methods: Urine calcium and calcium creatinine relation were measured in the first day and 7 days after hospitalization in 37 child (older than 2 years) who were bedridden and immobilized because of their primary disease. The same parameters were measured in 40 matched healthy children as control group. Results: The incidence of hypercalciuria were significantly higher in case group (45% vs 10%, p= 0.0001). Microscopic hematuria was discovered in (30%) of hypercalciuric patients. Conclusion: Hypercalciuria in immobilized children is significantly higher than healthy children and microscopic hematuria is an important finding in this condition.
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Submitted: 11 Aug 2012
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