Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2012;34(1): 35-42.
  Abstract View: 924
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Original Article

Medical Ethics among Persian Physicians and Its Reflection in Persian Literary Texts

Aziz Javanpour Heravi, Hassan Akbari Beiragh*
*Corresponding Author: Email: E-mail: h.akbaribeiragh@gmail.com


Medical ethics is an interdisciplinary science which proceeds to morality issues and subject matters in the field of medical sciences. Medical ethics is also considered in different branches of the medical sciences including professions, medical researches and health system policy making. Several fields of human knowledge and insight including philosophy, law, sociology, psychology, economics and history contribute to the content of this topic. The medical ethics has been widely issued in the Persian literature. The aim of the present study was to explore reflection of the medical ethics among the Persian physicians using the first class Persian texts. Accordingly, Persian texts were not only filled with the ethical advices, but also included ethical characteristics of the physicians. Furthermore, these texts reveal that physician’s morality aggregates in his temperament and mentality. Moreover, the patient-physician relationship as well as issues such as secrecy, honesty and uprightness has been widely discussed in the Persian texts.
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Submitted: 12 Jun 2012
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