Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2011;32(6): 17-21.
  Abstract View: 725
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Original Article

Evaluation of Effect of Lovastatin on Visual Acuity and Macular Thickness in Diabetic Maculopathy

Alireza Javadzadeh1, Amir Ghorbanihaghjo*, Dima Andalib, Javid Safa
*Corresponding Author: Email: E-mail: ghorbaniamir@hotmail.com


Background and Objectives: Diabetic retinopathy is one of the common complications of diabetes which can cause irreversible visual loss. The present study aimed at evaluating the effect of lovastatin on visual acuity and central macular thickness in patients with refractory diabetic macular edema. Materials and Methods: In a before - after study, 40 patients with refractory diabetic macular edema were allocated. Lovastatin (20 mg/day) was prescribed for 3 months and the effect of this drug was evaluated on visual acuity (by log MAR) and central macular thickness (using Optical Coherence Tomography). Results: The mean visual acuity at the first visit (0.42±0.2 and 0.46±0.3 in right and left eyes, respectively) did not differ from that after 3 months. Moreover, central macular thickness at the first visit (275±34 µm and 286±54 µm in right and left eyes, respectively) was not significantly different from that after 3 months (278±34 µm and 287±76 µm in right and left eyes, respectively). Conclusion: These findings indicate that 3 month intake of lovastatin (20 mg/day) did not have effect on central macular thickness and visual acuity in patients with diabetic macular edema.
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Submitted: 01 Mar 2011
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