Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2011;32(5): 58-62.
  Abstract View: 804
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Original Article

Study on Serum Magnesium Level in Alzheimer Disease and Its Relationship with the Stage of Disease

Seyed Ali Sadraldini*, Mahdi Farhodi, Jafar Majidi, Mohammad Moosavi, Robab Mehdizadeh
*Corresponding Author: Email: Email: sadrnero@yahoo.com


Background and Objectives: Alzheimer disease is a neurodegenerative disorder, that characterized by memory loss and cognitive functions. The aim purpose of this study was to evaluate the serum magnesium level in Alzheimer patient and its relationship with diseases severity. Materials and Methods: In a case-control study, 69 patients with AD (Alzheimer's disease) were studied in 15 month period. Seventy one age and sex-matched healthy person also included as controls. Disease severity of was determined by global decay score (GDS). A serum magnesium level was measured by Atomic Absorption Method. In the patient and control groups. The evaluated relationship between serum magnesium levels with disease severity. Results: Sixty nine patients (M/F=37/34, mean age 71.12±5.81 years) and 71 healthy persons (38/31, M/F) mean age (69.73±5.18 year) were enrolled in this study. Serum magnesium level in case and control groups was 1.7±0.2 ppm and 1.8±0.3 respectively and it was significantly lower in AD patients (P=0.001). There was no meaningful relationship between magnesium level and disease severity (P=0.75). Conclusion: This study showed a statistically meaningful difference between serum magnesium level in patient with AD and healthy individuals but there was no relation between the level and disease severity.
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Submitted: 20 Jan 2011
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