Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2006;27(4): 75-79.
  Abstract View: 533
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Common Sign in Anxiety Disorder

*Corresponding Author: Email: A_i@yahoo.com


Background and Objective: Anxiety disorder is the common psychiatric disorder. This research studies the first words said by patients which finally help in diagnos by psychiatrist. Materials and Methods: This research was an analytical cross-sectional study. We studied 200 admitted patients to Asad Abadi medial center that was diagnosed one of anxiety disorder via DSM-IV criteria. Finally data were analyzed by SPSS11 software and Chi-square, t-test and One Way ANOVA tests. Results: In this study the phobia was shown in 3.8%, panic disorder in 19.9%, GAD in 15.1%, agoraphobia in 2.1%, obesity disorder in 20.5%, post stress anxiety disorder in 2.7% and social phobia in 3.1%. The mean of time between start of symptoms and admitted by physician was 30.88 month. Family history was positive in 58.3%. Somatic disorder was in 16.6%. The most common symptoms in these patients were anxiety (24.9%) and tremor in hand and foot (20.9%). Conclusion: "Darikhma" is an Azari word (equivalent of gloominess). Some physicians know it as cheerlessness or restlessness. In this study there is significant relationship of Darikhma with Panic disorder in addition of depression meaning of the word. There was no relationship between it and other anxiety disorder even there was a reverse relation between it and GAD.
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Submitted: 15 Jan 2011
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