Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2006;28(1): 115-118.
  Abstract View: 581
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Rate of Agreement in Clinical Interview and MMPI (Short Form) in Diagnosis of Mood Disorders

*Corresponding Author: Email: fakharia@TBZMED.ac.ir


Background and Objectives: The aim of this research is studying the rate of agreement between two methods of clinical interview according to DSM-IV-TR and MMPI test in diagnosing mood disorder. Materials and methods: In-patient and out-patients referre to Tabriz Razi hospital were selected randomly and assessed during two stages through clinical interview and MMPI test (short – form). Then the diagnostic efficacy Index of MMPI, kappa coefficient, P number and positive and negative diagnostic power with spss program were calculated to determine the agreement rate of the mentiored methods. Results: The obtained results shorted a poor convergence between MMPI test and the clinical diagnosis and the specificity of this test relative to its sensitivity indicates its higher function in excluding the mood disorder relative to including it. Conclusion: Various statements have been proposed are for the causes of decreased convergence in the evaluation methods mentioned above in which the dysfunction in expressing the diagnostic symptoms and criteria and the problems related to the low sensitivity of evaluation scales in short form MMPI test is remarkable.
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Submitted: 09 Jan 2011
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