Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2006;28(1): 119-122.
  Abstract View: 375
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Prospective Study of the Results of Flexor Tendon Repair in Zone Ii of the Hand Using Modified Strickland Technique

*Corresponding Author: Email: Amir_Navali @yahoo.com


Background and Objectives: In patients suffering of hand trauma, zone ІІ injuries of flexor tendons could cause significant disability if not properly managed. In the treatment of such injuries prevention of adhesion and the resulting stiffness is of main concern. Surgical treatment should achieve a primary tendon repair of sufficient tensile strength to allow application of a postoperative rehabilitation program. The aim of this study was to analyse prospectively the results of such repair using the modified Strickland technique. Methods and Materials: In a period of 3 years, 50 patients with 70 flexor tendon lacerations were enrolled in this study. After repair using modified Strickland technique, the rehabilitation program using dorsal splinting and rubber band technique was started. The mean age of the patients was 28 years (ranging from 4 to 55 years). Eight patients did not followed-up and 42 patients with sixty flexor tendon repairs were followed for a mean period of eight months (ranging from 6 to 12 months). Results: Results of This study showed that according to Strickland’s criteria in 47 tendon repairs (78.3%) the result was excellent with total active motion of 153 degrees. In 6 cases (10%) the result was good, in 3 cases (5%) it was fair and in four cases (6.7%) the result was poor. Conclusion: Despite improvements in repair site strength and in the understanding of repair – site biology, adhesions still frequently form between the tendon and surrounding fibro – osseous sheath. The result of this study showed that the modified Strickland’s technique if used properly with attention to details of an atraumatic and delicate surgical repair and postoperative rehabilitation can produce good or excellent results in more than 85% of cases.
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Submitted: 04 Jan 2011
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