Background and Objectives: Although pathogenesis of myasthenia gravis is rather well-known, the mechanism of immune system stimulation is unknown.Genetic amplitude varying on the basis of clinical presentations has been reported.The relation between existences or lack of some special types of HLA (Human leukocyte antigen) with this disease or its severity has been also reported.
The aim of this study was to determine HLA-I antigens in patients with myasthenia gravis.
Materials and Methods: in a case-control study, 50 patients with confirmed Myasthenia gravis and 50 sex-matched healthy persons (kidney donor) were enrolled during 18 months. Different types of HLA-I were determined and compared between two groups. Relation between anti cholinestrase dosage and different types of HLA-I was evaluated.
Results: The frequency of HLA-I types of A9 (OR=7.73), A29 (OR=10.76), B8 (OR=0.88), B53 (OR=8/81), and BW4 (OR=6/50) was significantly higher in patients with myasthenia Gravis.In addition, the frequency of HLA-I type of BW6 (OR=0/10) and B5 (OR=0/263) was significantly lower this patient group.The administered dose of Anti cholinestrase in patients with A2 and A3 HLA-I types was significantly higher. The age of disease onset in those with HLA-A2 was significantly lower. HLA- BW6 was significantly frequent among the female patients.
Conclusion: There is significant relation between types of HLA-I and myasthenia gravis.