Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2010;32(2): 73-77.
  Abstract View: 409
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Original Article

Cholesteatoma Surgery Results: Experience in 166 Cases

Masood Naderpoor, Mehrnoosh Mousaviagdas*
*Corresponding Author: Email: E-mail: mehr_mousavi@yahoo.com


Background and Objectives: In spite of the fact that total incidence of cholesteatoma is decrease, it is still a major challenge. We aimed at evaluating the incidence and complications of cholesteatoma in middle ear surgeries. Materials and Methods: In a retrospective observational study we evaluated the surgical results and complications of cholesteatoma operation. Results: In a six-year period one hundred and sixty six patients were studied. The mean age of the patients was 30.8 years with most incidences in age group of 21-30 years. The most common pathology was an isolated cholesteatoma. In 57.2% of patients, tympanic cavity, attic, antrum and mastoid were involved. The most common site involved in tympanic cavity and mastoid were oval window and tegman mastoid, respectively (47/6% vs 39.8%). Incus, the most involved ossicle, was noted to be totally (59%) and partially (40/9%) erosive. Erosion of Fallopain canal was the most common complication of cholesteatoma (32/5%). Conclusion: Cholesteatoma complications and its extension were higher in our study. Therefore increasing the knowledge of the society on otitis complications seems to be highlighted in the programs of health care system.
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Submitted: 10 Aug 2010
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