Thrombotic microangiopathy is a clinicopathological study of a state that accompanies with fibrine and platlete thrombi within the microcirculation that accompanies with organ dysfunction, thrombocytopenia and nonimmune hemolytic anemia. Fragmented red blood cells and elevated lactic dehydrogenase are another important findings in this syndrome. The term of Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) describes childhood TMA dominated by renal impairment and Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia Purpura (TTP) refers to adult case of TMA with predominantly neurologic manifestations. HUS syndrome itself is divided in to those with appositive history of diarrhea, that named typical- HUS. A typical HUS has as different causes familial form of a-HUS has been descripted. Abnormal complement cascade activation is a recently under focused cause of a typical HUS. ADAMTS-13 metalloproteinase activity is another important measurement to distinguish HUS and TTP.