Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2007;29(1): 103-109.
  Abstract View: 1709
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Urogenital System


Study of Response Rate to PCNL Therapy for Renal and Upper Ureteral Stones

*Corresponding Author: Email: Shmbahar@yahoo.com


Background and objectives: Percutaneous surgery is based on needle and guidewire access to the kidney and the upper urinary tract. This study designed to assess retrospectively the safety and efficacy of the percutaneous nephrolithotripsy (PCNL) for treating the renal and upper Ureteral stones. Material and methods: 613 patients underwent PCNL, between September 2000 and September 2004, for renal or upper ureteral stones in Ekbatan and Beheshti hospitals in Hamadan. PCNL was done as a standard method under X-ray guidance and after tract dilatation with metal dilators; pneumatic lithotripsy was used for fragmentation. Results: Complete clearance was 90.7%. Complete stone free rate among patients who need 1 tract (93.8%) obviously was more than the others that more than 1 tract was needed (61.7%). Variables such as age, sex, weight, grade of hydronephrosis, type of anesthesia, and incision site did not have effect on stone free rate. Conclusion: PCNL is a safe and effective method for any type of renal and upper ureteral stone especially in developing countries that renal stone is more common.
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Submitted: 15 Jul 2010
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