Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2007;29(1): 99-102.
  Abstract View: 630
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Evaluation of The Laparoscpic Adrenalectomy Results

*Corresponding Author: Email: rmaghsudy@yahoo.com


Background and Objectives: Laparoscopic adrenalectomy is the operation of choice for benign adrenal lesion. We report of our experience in laparoscopic adrenalectomy that were performed for first time in Tabriz. Materials and Methods: From September 2003 to September 2005, six patients with adrenal lesions underwent laparoscopic adrenalectomy through transperitoneal approach.Two of them were simultaneous bilateral adrenalectomy . Preoperative evaluation including CT Scan, MRI, MIBG scan, endocrine tests such as, cortisol, ACTH, mineralocorticoid, 17- hydroxy progesterone and VMA .The results were analyzed by SPSS. Results: six patients, (3 females and 3 males), underwent on laparoscoic surgery. Mean age was 40.2 (range 30-65) years. Lesion was located at right in 5 patients and 3 at left. Mean operative time was 180 ± 30.62, (126-300), minutes. Mean hospitalization was 3.1 (3-5) days. Mean size of mass was 4.5 ±1.8 (4-8) cm. In one case, because of the adhesion of mass to the posterior side of venacava, convertion was necessary. No significant major intra or post operative complication and we didn’t need to transfusion. at the 9 months following, hormonal tests and blood pressure were normal. The mean postoperative follow up time were 9 (range 3-24) months. Conclusion: Due to our limited experience on advanced urologic laparoscopy this study showed that transperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy is an effective and safe approach in the treatment of adrenal disorders with the least morbidity.
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Submitted: 15 Jul 2010
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