Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2007;29(1): 83-87.
  Abstract View: 467
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The Use-Effectiveness of the Combined Contraceptive Methods: Standard Days Method, Condom and Emergency Contraceptive Pills.

*Corresponding Author: Email: poorasl@yahoo.com


Background and objectives: In our country about 20% of couples are using natural methods of family planning or none of the family planning methods. The Standard Days Method is a fertility awareness-based method of family planning in which users avoid unprotected intercourse during cycle days 8 through 19. The aim of this experimental study was to determine the use-effectiveness of the combined contraceptive methods: Standard days method, condom and emergency contraceptive pills. Materials and Methods: A total of 240 women, age 17-40 years, in rural area in the west of Tabriz city, with self- reported cycles of 26-32 days, desiring to delay pregnancy at least one year were admitted to the study. After teaching the method to the subjects, they followed-up for 12 months to complete the study or excluded from study. Pearl pregnancy rate was used to determine percentage of protection of unplanned pregnancy. Results: Analysis of data indicated that 117 women didn’t get pregnant until the end of study (12 months). Only 8 women got pregnant, and a total of 1956 woman-months out of 240 women was calculated. So first-year pregnancy rate was 4.91% and percentage of protection of unplanned pregnancy was 95.09 irrespective of correct or incorrect use. Conclusion: the results show that this combined method may be an effective and acceptable method for couples.
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Submitted: 23 May 2010
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