Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2007;29(3): 59-66.
  Abstract View: 343
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Nursing or Midwifery


Assessment of Women’s Sexual Experiences after Child Birth: A Phenomenological Study

*Corresponding Author: Email: zonuzia@yahoo.com


Background & Objectives: Desirable sexual relationship between the couples is an effective factors in stability, happiness and health of family. One of the important reasons for sexual dysfunctions is Marital problems. The objective of this research which has been done for the first time in Iran is phenomenological assessment of women’s sexual experiences after child birth. Materials & Methods: This research had been done by using of open and in-depth interviews along with verbal and non-verbal probing and armful sampling. Voluntaries expressed their views about their sexual experiences after child birth, speeches were taped and then manuscriped and analyzed with using of Colizzi method. Results: In this research 6 main themes has been included which each one composed of several sub themes. Main themes included: physiologic changes, psychologic changes, family relationships, coping, changing of behaviors and views and explanation. Conclusion: Identification and relief of women’s undesirable sexual experiences in this period will have central role in protection of family health and natural and innate relationship, so attention to sexual health should become a main part of cares. This way we hope can solve women’s problems.
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Submitted: 03 May 2010
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