Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2007;29(3): 39-42.
  Abstract View: 1301
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Carotid Body Tumors Study of 39 Patients in Imam & Ghazi Hospital in Tabriz

*Corresponding Author: Email: BayatA@Tbzmed.ac.ir


Background and objectives: Carotid body tumor in relatively rare tumors and appears as pulsative neck mass on the lower mandibular angle. Considering it’s clinical signs, slow growing nature and also problems associated with biopsy suggest, alternative diagnostic means. Materiauls and Methods: In this descriptive study all the patients record who hospitalized in Imam and Ghazi hospital due to the neck man were reviewed and 39 patients with carotid body tumor who admitted between 1375 to 1380 were selected. Results: 21 patients out of 39 were male and 18 were female the mean age of the patients were 45 years the most common compliant of the patients were neck mass (100), pain (%12), tongue deviation (%3), dizzines(%2). Eight Patients were referred from the other centers due to bleeding following biopsy. Two patients had bilateral tumor. Sixty percent of the tumor size were greater than 4cm. Carotid body excision carried out in all the patients. In two case internal carotid artery were repaired because of estrogenic injure and ligation of internal carotid artery were carried out in one case due to both antigenic injure and sever bleeding. The histopathology repots showed paraglomia for all case except are case of jugular Glumous. Conclusion: The carotid body tumors are commonly benign and following excision there in no recurrence. Pre-operative diagnosis usually prevented from intra operative bleeding.
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Submitted: 02 May 2010
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