Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2009;31(4): 18-23.
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Life Metaphors in the Families of Schizophrenic Patients Compared with Healthy Families

Hossein Eskandari, Rasool Rezaei*, Hossein Vahedi, Ali Eghbali
*Corresponding Author: Email: E-mail: Rezayi_ r@yahoo.com


Background and Objectives: The life metaphors are the persons metaphoric view to life. The object of the study is to recognition the life metaphors, their qualities, positivity or negativity among the family members of schizophrenic patients compared with the families of healthy people. Methods and Materials: In a descriptive study we performed Osgood's Semantic Discrimination Test (SDT) in 20 family members of schizophrenic patients hospitalized in psychiatry unit, compared them with results of the test in 20 relatives of mentally normal persons. Results: The result showed that the life metaphors among the family members of schizophrenic patients were significantly different from healthy families and they were more negative than healthy people. Conclusion: In schizophrenia families negative metaphors which are related to the disorder, are indicative of a conditions which increase the probability of affection.
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Submitted: 18 Mar 2010
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