Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2008;30(1): 65-70.
  Abstract View: 676
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Determine of Appropriate wrist Splint Position in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with Electrodiagnostic Study

*Corresponding Author: Email: Tannaz_Ahadi@yahoo.com


Background & Objective: Using splint is one of the principle treatment approaches is in the CTS, but the proper angle of it is not definitely clear. The purpose of this study is to establish the effect of wrist position on electrodiagnostic parameters to determine the appropriate splint position. Materials & Methods: 33 patients with clinical and electrodiagnostic findings of CTS and without peripheral neuropathy have been selected as case group and 28 healthy subject selected as control group. Standard motor and sensory electrodiagnostic tests were performed on both group at 5 min after application of special splint in 3 different wrist position (25 degree flextrion, 25 degree extension and neutral position).Distal motor and sensory latency, CMAP and SNAP amplitude and also motor and sensory NCVs were recorded in both groups. Results: The means of electrodiagnostic parameters have been compared by using of ANOVA test in 3 positions in both groups. There were no significant difference between parameters in 3 position in control group (P<0.05). In case group there were not significant differences between the CMAP and SNAP amplitude in 3 position. Significant difference has been observed in distal motor and sensory latency and in motor and sensory NCVs between neutral and extension with flexion position. There were not significant difference between neutral and extension. Conclusion: The present study demonstrated that electrodiagnostic parameters in patients with CTS changes in different wrist position in CTS patients. For this reason it is necessary to prescribe splint in neutral or extension position.
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Submitted: 23 Feb 2010
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