Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2009;31(3): 115-119.
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Original Article

Guillain Barre Syndrome in a Patient with Multiple Sclerosis

Aliakbar Thaheraghdam*, Ali Pashapour
*Corresponding Author: Email: Email: Taheraghdam@yahoo.com


Multiple Sclerosis is a disease of central nervous system, whereas Guillain Barre Syndrome is a state of peripheral nervous system involvement. Co- incidence of these two autoimmune illnesses in the same patients is very rare and up to now, only one case has been reported in literature. Here we report a case of Multiple Sclerosis who later developed Guillain Barre Syndrome. A 31-year old female, who was a known case of Multiple Sclerosis for several months and had been treated with interferon Beta 1a. She developed progressive limb weakness, starting from Lower Limbs and progressing to arms and face. Guillain Barre Syndrome (acute motor axonal neuropathy type was diagnosed based on her physical and electro diagnostic examinations. She treated with intravenous immunoglobin and discharged with partial recovery.
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Submitted: 12 Dec 2009
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