Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2008;30(3): 141-142.
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Occurrence of Multiple Basal Cell Carcinomas in a Chemical Warfare Victim

*Corresponding Author: Email: rashidi@umsu.ac.ir


During Iran-Iraq war, the Iraq army used chemical weapons against Iranian soldiers and civilians several times. Several short time and long time complications have been reported in victims. malignancies are one of the most important complications. Our case is a 66 year-old woman exposed to sulfur mustard gas in Sardasht, Iran in 1987. She experienced several pulmonary, ocular and skin signs and symptoms. Two years later she noticed an ulcer on her face that was slowly growing and then several other ulcers appeared on her face in a few years that have pathologic features of Basal Cell Carcinoma.
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Submitted: 21 Nov 2009
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