Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2009;31(2): 61-63.
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Frequency and Causes of Sensory Strabismus in Children Under 9 Years Old

Dima Andalib*, Yahya Fekri
*Corresponding Author: Email: Andalibd@Tbzmed.ac-ir


Background and Objectives: Visual loss in childhood is one of the important problems that the diagnosis and treatment has significant role in growth and development of children. It is one of the significant goals of WHO. One of the manifestations of ipsilateral visual loss is ocular deviation that is called sensory strabismus. The aim of this study is evaluation of frequency and causes of sensory strabismus in children under 9 years old. Materials and Methods: This study was a retrospective descriptive study that evaluated referral patients to Nikookary hospital due to strabismus. The causes of low vision and the type of deviation were evaluated. Results: There were 22 cases of sensory strabismus with frequency of 5/5%, 11 boys and 11 girls. In 68.18%, anisometropia and in 31.82%, organic lesion are the causes of sensory strabismus. 2 patients had exotropia and 20 patients had esotropia. The mean ages of patients with organic lesion were less than the mean age of patients with anisometropia. This difference was not statistically significant (P<0.05). The most common type of deviation was Esotropia. Conclusion: Our study shows the importance of cycloplegic refraction and funduscopy in screening examination.
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Submitted: 01 Nov 2009
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