Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2019;41(5): 115-122.
doi: 10.34172/mj.2019.065
  Abstract View: 772
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Original Article

The Impact of Natural Poly Phenols on Methyltransferase Gene Expression in Prostate Cancer Cells

Parisa Noktehsanj Avval 1 ORCID logo, Mohammad Zaefizadeh 2* ORCID logo

1 Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Ahar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahar, Iran
2 Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran
*Corresponding Author: *Corresponding author; E-mail: , Email: mzaefi@aiuardabil.ac.ir


Background: Transcriptionally silencing is related to abnormal methylation of tumor suppressor gene promoters by the enzyme of DNA methylase (DNMT1) in an alternate way in prostate cancer development. Ghareghate (acciniumarctostaphylos) have polyphenols and anthocyanins which may be investigated as natural antioxidants in prostate cancer cells treating.

Methods: In this study human invasive prostate cancer cell lines (PC3) were treated with various concentrations (156, 312, 625, 1250, 2500 µg/ml) of Ghareghate fruit extractions. DNMT1 expression levels and inhibition rates were assessed after 24, 48 hours by Q-RT-PCR and MTT test respectively.

Results: DNMT1 expression rates in pc3 cell line which treated with Ghareghate extractions, reduced significantly comparing to control cells (p<0.001). Moreover it has demonstrated that Ghareghate extractions can significantly increase inhibition of cancer cells grow (p<0.001). The highest relative decrease of gene expression observed in 625µg/ml.

Conclusion: Ghareghat extractions can be used as an antioxidant recourse for the purpose of cancer therapy and prevention.

How to cite this article: Noktehsanj Avval P, Zaefizadeh M. [The Impact of Natural Poly Phenols on Methyltransferase Gene Expression in Prostate Cancer Cells]. Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2019 December-2020 January; 41(5):115-122. Persian.
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Submitted: 24 Aug 2017
ePublished: 18 Nov 2019
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