Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2016;38(2): 86-90.
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Original Article

Investigation of Relationship between Expression of Lewis B Antigen and Helicobacter Pylori Induced Peptic Ulcer in Sari

Mehrad Mahdavi 1, Mohammad Reza Mahdavi 2, Payam Roshan 1*, Mohammad Taher Hojati 1

1 Sina Mehr Research Center, Sari, Iran
2 Thalassemia Research Center, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran
*Corresponding Author: Email: info@fajrlaboratory.com


Background & Objectives: It has been indicated that some blood groups act as receptors for pathogens. There is a controversy over the relationship between Lewis blood group antigens and H. pylori infection which is one of the main causes of peptic ulcer. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between Lewis blood group antigens and H. pylori induced peptic ulcer. Material and Methods: Blood and saliva samples from 60 patients with peptic ulcer caused as a result of H. pylori infection and 44 healthy individuals (control group) were collected. Types of Lewis antigens and secretory state of subjects were determined using direct agglutination and saliva tests, respectively. In order to find the relationship between Lewis blood group antigens and H. pylori induced peptic ulcer, Chi-Square test using SPSS statistics software version 17.0 (SPSS Inc., U.S.A.) was applied. Results: Seventy two percent of the patients and sixty one percent of the healthy individuals were secretor and expressed Lewis B antigen. No significant relationship was observed between Lewis blood group antigens and H. pylori induced peptic ulcer. Conclusion: No significant correlation was found between Lewis B antigen and presence of H. pylori induced peptic ulcer. Further studies for identification of the role of other factors like Lewis X and Sialyl Lewis X in binding, colonization and virulence of H. pylori infection are recommended.
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Submitted: 12 Jun 2016
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