Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2012;34(2): 110-113.
  Abstract View: 657
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Original Article

A New Technique of C-section by Incision of Posterior Wall of Lower Segment of Uterus

Mohammad Sadegh Fazl Farhadi*
*Corresponding Author: Email: E-mail:fazl2@yahoo.com


There were three methods of uterine incisions in cesarean operation: mostly transversal, rarely vertical incision of anterior wall of lower segment and occasionally vertical incision of corpus or fundus of uterus. In new technique the posterior wall of lower segment is transversally incised, which is indicated in some complicated conditions of term pregnancies; such as the large or multiple myoma in lower segment of uterus or placenta, increta, in anterior wall of lower segment or adhesion of bladder. Here we report a woman with large myoma who underwent the C-sections by posterior wall incision technique.
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Submitted: 11 Aug 2012
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