Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2012;34(1): 112.
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Original Article

A report of Newborn with Hypercalcemia and Subcutaneous Fat Necrosis

Lida Saboktakin*
*Corresponding Author: Email: E-mail: Lidasaboktakin@yahoo.com


Subcutaneous fat necrosis of the newborn is an uncommon, benign process in full-term and post-term neonates who experienced a perinatal distress. It is a transient condition however, hypercalcemia may be a potentially life threatening complication of this otherwise self-healing process. Here, we describe a 15-day newborn boy presented with a history of firm subcutaneous nodules and overlying erythema which were located on the back and the arm. In the biopsy of the lesion, subcutaneous fat necrosis was diagnosed.
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Submitted: 12 Jun 2012
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