Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2012;33(6): 107-109.
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Original Article

Post-Pomp Chorea in an Adult Patient with Good Response to Clonazepam

Dariush Savadi, Safa Najmi*, Mazyar Hashemilar, Somaie Mostafaie
*Corresponding Author: Email: E-mail: safanajmi@yahoo.com


Chorea is a complex, rapid, irregular and fluctuating hyperkinetic movements with several etiologies. A rare type of generalized chorea is post-pomp chorea occurring after cardiac surgery especially in children, but it is rare in adults. Here, we report a 75-year old man with chorea and gait difficulties ten days after cardiac surgery. Neurological exams, excluding chorea, and paraclinical tests were normal. Magnetic resonance imaging of brain revealed old diffuse ischemic changes. Among chorea medical treatments, pimozide resulted in mild improvement. We started clonazepam plus pimozide, thereafter choreic movements and gait gradually improved.
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Submitted: 12 Mar 2012
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