Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2011;33(5): .
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Original Article

Ocular Toxocariasis in an 11 Year Old Girl

Esmail Fallah, Ali Reza Javadzadeh, Leila Mhami*, Mahmood Mahami
*Corresponding Author: Email: E- mail:leylamahami@gmail.com


Ocular toxocariasis is an uncommon worldwide infection caused by the nematode larvae of T. canis. This infection usually seen in children following consumption of eggs of parasites from stool of infected animals. In this study, we present a case of ocular toxocariasis in an 11 year old girl. The girl admitted to our hospital with impairment of visual acuity; visual acuity of 3/10 in involved right eye and no light perception in the left eye. Slit lamp examination revealed 2 positive cataracts in the right eye and 2 positive vitreal inflammatory. On fundoscopy, a granulomatous lesion along with scar in supranasal peripheral retina area was observed. Serologic tests were positive for toxocariasis. Toxocariasis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients with cornea, strabismus and blurred vision both in children and adults. Serologic tests may often be useful in this regard.
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Submitted: 26 Dec 2011
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