Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2011;33(4): 29-32.
  Abstract View: 363
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Original Article

Etiologies of Lower Extremity Amputation in Tabriz Shohada Hospital

Ali Reza Rouhani, Maarouf Ansari*
*Corresponding Author: Email: Email: marof_ansari@yahoo.com


Background and Objectives: Lower limb amputation has different etiologies and it varies with socioeconomic issues and incidence of some diseases such as diabetes and vascular diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate causes of the amputation, the amputation level and the incidence of amputation among male and female patients of different ages. Materials and Methods: In a retrospective and descriptive study between 2002 and 2007 in Tabriz Shohada hospital, the ttiology, level and type of amputations were assessed and results were analyzed. Results: One hundred forty six medical files with diagnosis of the lower limp amputation were selected. Trauma was the most common cause of amputation (46%), followed by the vascular diseases (42%) and infection (12%). One hundred seventeen patients (80%) were male and 20% were female. Conclusion: This investigation showed that trauma is the major cause of amputation in our region and vascular problems are of second significance.
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Submitted: 25 Oct 2011
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