Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2011;33(3): 74-77.
  Abstract View: 578
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Original Article

Results of Surgical Treatment of Pilonidal Disease by Excision and Marsupialization

Samad Mosaddeghi Kheyavi*, Amrollah Bayat
*Corresponding Author: Email: E-mail: dr_mosadeghi@yahoo.com


Background and Objectives: Surgery is the main treatment of pilonidal disease. Management of post excisional cutaneous and subcutaneous defect is an important problem. Various techniques have been introduced in this regard; however, the best approach is yet open to debate. This study aimed to evaluate the results of complete excision and marsupialization. Materials and Methods: In this retrospective setting, profiles of 320 patients with pilonidal disease operated by excision and marsupialization technique in Tabriz hospitals between 2001 and 2009 were studied. Patients’ demographics, as well as short-term and long-term outcomes were recorded. Results: In total, 320 cases with pilonidal disease, 288 males and 32 females with the mean age of 26.3±8.5 years were enrolled. Majority of the cases (98.8%) were discharged on second day of operation. The mean time of surgical wound healing was 4.4±3.2 weeks after the operation. The one-year recurrence rate was 1.3% and reoperation was indicated in 0.3%. There were a few morbidities without mortality. Conclusion: Complete surgical excision and marsupialization is a safe and effective procedure with a few complications in treating the pilonidal disease.
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Submitted: 11 Aug 2011
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