Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2011;33(3): 14-19.
  Abstract View: 747
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Original Article

Nulliparous Women’s Childbirth Experiences: A Phenomenological Study

Roghayyeh Bayrami*, Leila Valizadeh, Farzaneh Zaheri
*Corresponding Author: Email: Email:rozabayrami@yahoo.com


Background and Objectives: Childbirth experience is one of the most important life experiences for women. Quality of these experiences influences well-being of both the woman and her child, and relationship between mother and her child and also partner. The objective of this research was to assess the quality of nulliparous women’s childbirth experiences. Materials and Methods: This research was performed by using open and in-depth interviews along with verbal and non-verbal probing and purposive sampling. Volunteers expressed their views toward their experiences of vaginal childbirth next day after delivery. Speeches were taped and then recorded and analyzed using Colizzi method. Results: Five main themes, each composed of several sub-themes, were extracted. The main themes included physiological changes, psychological changes, midwife support, coping, changing of behaviors and views. Conclusion: The basis for maternity care should be influenced by women’s long-term experiences of childbirth. The results of this study can enhance the midwives’ ability to provide better prenatal care for the women in order to achieve their goals for a favorable childbirth experience.
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Submitted: 10 Aug 2011
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