Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2006;27(4): 121-124.
  Abstract View: 543
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A Case Report of an Abnormal Connection and Deranage between Small and Great Saphenous Veins

*Corresponding Author: Email: AAKhaki@Canada.Com


Small and great saphenous veins shown as the important and superficial veins of lower limbs which begin from dorsal venous network then continue upward. Great Saphenous vein is the longest vein of human body which initialy run from anterior side of medial maleolus and then continue in medial side of leg and femoral regions. Finally it ends to femoral vein. In the same time small saphenous vein run from posterior side of lateral maleolus. Then it continues upward in posterior side of leg and arrive to popliteal vein between the two heads of gastrocnemius muscle. In this study we demonstrated that great and small saphenous veins have normal shape, size and relations, in the left side. But in the right side small saphenous vein did not end to poplited vein runs upward as a accessory saphenous vein and ends to great saphenous vein. Also right great saphenous vein observed as a normal vein as a shape and pathway. It seems it will be an important point for surgeons.
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Submitted: 29 Jan 2011
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