Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2006;27(4): 81-85.
  Abstract View: 451
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The Study of Hypospadiasis Repair by TIP Method (Report of 37 Cases)

*Corresponding Author: Email: fah_kaz@yahoo.com


Background and Aims: Numerous surgical procedures have been used to correct distal hypospadias, but in past 8 years repair of urethra with " Tubularized Incised Plate" technique or TIP has become prefered technique for distal hypospadias repair. In this study we report our experience about this procudure. Materials and Methods: This study was a descriptive retrospective study, patients, including 37 child boy with hypospadias with age range 9 months to 12 years, that between 2001 - 2003 years in Emam and Children hospitales of Tabriz under went to hypospadias repair with "TIP" procudure. All of the patients followed during hospitalization in first step and then 6 months post operation. This technique was the first repair to correct of hypospadias in all of these children. Results: Mean age of patients at the first repair was 44.19 months. The location of meatus was cronal in 2 patients, distal shaft in 27 patients, mid shaft in 5 patients and mega meatus with intact prepuce (MIP) in 3 patients. Mean operation time was 94 minutes. Mean hospitalization time was 5.9 days. 1 patient (2.70%) had bleeding from operation site during hospitalization. During follow up urethro cutaneus fistulas occurred in 3 patients (8%).During follow up all of the patients was voiding from a single urinary tract and in the straight stream. The total success rates of surgery was 92%.No significant difference in results was between this study and similar reports. Conclusion: Currently repair of urethra with TIP procudure is one of the most popular procudures for hypospadias repair. This procedure is potentially applicable in all cases of distal and mid shaft hypospadias.
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Submitted: 24 Jan 2011
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