Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2010;32(3): 62-66.
  Abstract View: 430
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Original Article

Study on Variations of Middle Cerebral Artery in 100 Male Human Brains in East Azerbaijan Province

Ahmad Ali Ghanbari, Bahram Samadi Rad, Arash Shafieyan*
*Corresponding Author: Email: E-mail:Arashshafieyan@yahoo.com


Background and Objectives: Presence of variations in middle cerebral artery (MCA) is one of difficulties encountered during diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Although the frequency of these variations is low in MCA, a high rate of aneurysms in this artery makes it necessary to recognize these variations and to know their prevalence. This study aimed at evaluating the variations in MCA in 100 male human brains in East Azerbaijan province. Materials and Methods: In a descriptive study, dissection results of 100 male human brains died of different etiologies were studied in Forensic Medical Center of East Azerbaijan during one year. After photographing the fresh samples, bilateral MCAs were reviewed and the variations were categorized. The results were compared with reference schemes in related books of anatomy. Results: In this study, 100 male human brains, aged 25 to 50 years, were dissected. Central or perforating branch was normal in all cases. The reference anatomical scheme was seen in 43% of cadavers. Duplicated MCA was seen in 1% of samples; however, accessory MCA was not detected. Conclusion: According to our results, frequency of the main variations including duplicated and accessory MCAs is moderate to low. Other variations are not significant regarding diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
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Submitted: 29 Sep 2010
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