Background and Objectives: Men are unavoidably exposed to ambient electro magnetic fields (EMF) generated from various electrical gadgets and from power transmission lines because of their situation of job. So the protection is important controversy exists about the EMF effects on various organs. The main goal of this study was to evaluation that the EMF can increase the risk of infertility in men or not. One of the critical issues is that EMF may adversely affect the reproductive system and men infertility.
Materials and Methods: To examine this, rat parents 50 male and 50 female 15 weeks age were mated in animal house of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. Later on rat pups (30 numbers) were exposed to 50 Hz EMF (non-ionizing radiation) during in utero development (approximately 3 weeks) and postnatal life (5 weeks). The materials were processed and observed under light and transmission electron microscope.
Results: In the experimental rats, boundary tissue was found disrupted in its various layers. It showed infoldings, which were perhaps due to the loss of collagen and reticular fibrils from the inner and outer non-cellular layer. The myoid cells showed few polyribosomes, pinocytotic vesicles and glycogen granules. Their mitochondria were without cristae. The connections between individual myoid cells were apparently lost.
Conclusion: Based on this study the results suggest that EMF exposure causes profound changes in the genital organs of male rats. On long-term exposure, it could result in irreversible damage, which may lead to sub fertility and hence should be avoided.