Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2006;28(3): 129-131.
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Concomitant Duane and Brown Syndrome

*Corresponding Author: Email: r_nabie@yahoo.com


To report of a case with concomitant Duane and Brown syndrome. A 19 year old girl presented with chief complaint of left esotropia and palpebral fissure narrowing in adduction. Her past medical history revealed two operations: left medial rectus recession5 mm in first operation and left medial rectus marginal myotomy and right lateral rectus resection 6mm in second operation (11 and 8 years ago respectively ). In recent examination she diagnosed as having concomitant Duane and Brown Syndrome and underwent right medial rectus recession 6mm and left lateral rectus recession 3 mm. After third operation left ET and globe retraction satisfactorily improved. Anatomical and developmental anomalies had important roles in Duane and Brown syndrome. It is possible that common teratogenic factor may cause concomitant accurence of both syndromes.
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Submitted: 17 Aug 2010
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