Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2007;29(3): 111-113.
  Abstract View: 390
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Value of Fine- Needle Aspiration Cytology of Parotid Gland Masses

*Corresponding Author: Email: NIKzadshahidi@yahoo.com


Background and Objectives: Differentiating benign from malignant tumors of parotid gland preoperatively is very important from the point of treatment planning. We design this study to evaluate the usefulness and accuracy of fine- needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in the diagnosis of parotid gland masses. Materials and Methods: In a descriptive – case series study the results of FNAC of 124 parotid masses were analyzed and compared with corresponding histo pathological diagnosis. Results: The cytological findings were nondiagnostic in 2 (1.6%), true- negative in 84 (67.7%), true- positive in 24 (19.4%), false- negative 13 (10.5%), and false- positive in 1 (0.8%) cases in detecting malignant tumors. The sensitivity and specificity in detecting malignant tumors were 64.8% and 98.8% respectively. Conclusion: Fine- needle aspiration cytology is a valuable adjunct to preoperative assessment of parotid masses. Preoperative recognition of malignant tumors may help prepare both the surgeon and patient for an appropriate surgical procedure
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Submitted: 04 May 2010
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