Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2009;31(4): 87-89.
  Abstract View: 525
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Short Report

Pre-Eclampsia with Cardiovascular Diseases and its Effects on the Pregnancy Outcomes

Alireza Yaghoubi*, Shahin Imani, Ahmad Ali Khalily, Masoude Pezeshkian, Morteza Gojazadeh
*Corresponding Author: Email: E-mail: yaghoubia@tbzmed.ac.ir


Infection disease, maternal bleeding and pregnancy induced hypertension are the main causes of maternal death in the world .In this study we evaluated the outcomes of cardiovascular disorder in a group pregnant women who had pre-eclampsia and also had a history of cardiovascular disease before pregnancy. Eleven pregnant women were studied. Among these patient the most common cardiovascular disease was aorta valve stenosis (AS: 45/5%), mitral valve prolaps (MVP: 27/27%), and mitral stenosis (MS: 18/18%). Three women delivered by cesarean section (27/27%). Placental detachment and hemorrhage occurred in two patients (18.2%) and one patient delivered a low birth child. We concluded that gynecological catastrophes occur more frequently in patients with pre-eclampsia and concomitant cardiovascular problems.
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Submitted: 18 Mar 2010
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