Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2009;31(3): 113-114.
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Original Article

Oncocytoma of the Parotid Gland: A Case Report

Mohammad Taghi Khorsandi, Masood Naderpoor, Nikzad Shahidi*
*Corresponding Author: Email: E-mail: Nikzadsh@yahoo.com


Approximately 3% of all head and neck neoplasms occur in parotid gland and less than 1% of these are oncocytic neoplasms. They are usually benign tumors and most commonly arise from the parotid gland. The world Health Organization histologic classification of salivary gland tumors divides parotid oncocytic neoplasms into three categories: Oncocytosis, oncocytoma, and oncocytic carcinoma. We report a case of oncocytoma in the parotid gland.
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Submitted: 12 Dec 2009
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