Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2008;30(4): 89-90.
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Osteosarcoma of the Larynx: A Case Report

Ali Goljanian Tabrizi*, Monereh Halimi, Godrat Mohammadi
*Corresponding Author: Email: Goljanianali@yahoo.com


Sarcomas of the larynx constitute (1-2)% of all laryngeal neoplasm and osteosarcomas are the rarest. Scarcity of reported cases and potential for early hematogenous metastasis especially in lung and local recurrence make thorough diagnosis and close follow up mandatory. Diagnosis can be easily missed if not suspected. There is no consensus regarding the use of radiotherapy or chemotherapy in the management protocol. In this manuscript we report on a 71-year-old male patient with osteosarcoma of the larynx.
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Submitted: 12 Nov 2009
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