Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2009;31(1): 99-101.
  Abstract View: 1114
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Arthritis, Osteomyelitis, Septicemia and Meningitis due to Klebsiella pneumonia in a Low Birth Weight Newborn: A Case Report

Ziaaedin Ghorashi*, Hassan Soltani Ahari, Shahram Abdoli Oskouie, Hamideh Hosein Pourfeizi
*Corresponding Author: Email: Dr_Ziaaedin_Ghorashi@yahoo.com


Klebsiella pneumoniae is the etiologic agent of urinary tract infection and pneumonia. In patients with proper underlying condition it leads to nosocomial infection. Low birth weight premature neonate with respiratory distress syndrome admitted in Taleghani Hospital of Tabriz for 33 days. During this period the patient developed septicemia, meningitis, poly articular arthritis and osteomyelitis by klebsiella pneumonia. The patient then was admiited in Tabriz Pediatric hospital. According to antibiogram, the isolated klebsiella was resistant to most routine antibiotics, so the patient was treated with intravenous ciprofloxacin and cotrimoxasol for 4 weeks followed by oral medication for 4 weeks. Klebsiellae pneumonia especially nosocomial isolates are resistant to most of the antibiotics. Arthritis and ostemyelitis due to Klebsiella pneumonia is a rare entity. The presented patient after completion of treatment course by ciprofloxacin completely improved and showed excellent weight gain.
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Submitted: 07 Nov 2009
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