Submitted: 07 Nov 2009
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Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2009;31(1): 95-98.
  Abstract View: 488
  PDF Download: 111

Nervous System


Reports of Two Cases of Straight Sinus Thrombosis

Aliakbar Thaheraghdam*, Mahnaz Talebi, Farhad Afsari
*Corresponding Author: Email: taheraghdam@yahoo.com


Thrombotic obstruction of cerebral venous system, i.e. thrombosis of major cerebral sinuses with or without involvement of deep or cortical draining veins, seems to be rare than other types of stroke; so, it includes only 2% of all strokes. Also, among cerebral venous sinus thromboses, involvement of straight sinus and deep cortical veins is the least common. First patient: this is 15 y/o lady who was on oral contraceptive (LD) for 1.5 months, for treatment of ovarian cyst. presented with increased ICP signs, decreased level of consciosness to our hospital and bilateral. Papilledema and Lt sided weakness detected in physical examination. Brain MRI-MRV showed straight sinus thrombosis. So, anticoagulation was started and she recoverd. Second patient: this 25 y/o lady who had received OCP(LD) for treatment of hirsutism and the dose had been increased. 5 Days before admission, she was with increased ICP, decreased level of conscconsess and Lt sided weakness in our hospital. Brain MRI-MRV showed Rt transverse and straight sinus thrombosis, but despite of anticoagulation therapy, patient was expired. Study for vasculitie tests and factor V leides was unremarkable in both patients.
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