Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2017;39(5): 57-64.
  Abstract View: 741
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Original Article

Antinociceptive effect of heracleum persicum Leaf hydroethanolic extract in diabetic male mice

Tayebeh Moharerizadeh 1*, Naser Mirazi 2

1 Department of Biology, School of Medicine, Islamic Azad University, Hamadan Branch, Hamadan, Iran
2 Department of Biology, School of Basic Sciences, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran
*Corresponding Author: Email: : t.mohareri53@yahoo.com


Background: Pain is a protective sense in tissue injury time. Diabetes mellitus accompanies with undesirable neuropathic side-effects in long term. The aim of this study was to examine analgesic effects of hydroethanolic HeracleumPersicumL. leaf’s extract (HHE) in diabetic and intact male mice. Methods: 96 male mice were divided into 9 groups: control, treated by morphine, treated by HHE (100,200 and 400mg/kg,i.p.) , naloxone + HHE(200mg/kg) and STZ (60mg/kg, i.p) and STZ+ HHE(400mg/kg) randomly. To assess the antinociceptive effects of HHE, the animals were examined by tail-flick and writhing tests. Results: 200 and 400 mg/kg of HHE increased pain threshold compared with control group in writhing and till flick tests (p<0.001). Also the effect of administration of 400 mg/kg HHE was moreanalgesic that of morphine alone (p<0.001). Diabetic group had low threshold to pain compared to control group. Conclusion: HHE has antinociceptive and anti-diabetic effects. We suggest the analgesic effects of HHE may be due to opioid system and also it effect on prostaglandins synthesis.
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Submitted: 11 Oct 2017
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