Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences Health Services. 2017;39(1): 92-95.
  Abstract View: 521
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Original Article

Transposition of latissimus dorsi to the elbow inorder to elbow make extention and homeros coverage

Mohammadreza Moharrami*, Ali Sadighi, Alirerza Sadegpour

1 Department of Orthopedic surgery, Shohada Hospital, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
*Corresponding Author: Email: mohammadpur56@gmail.com


Because of some reasons local flaps are not suitable in the cases with upper extremity injuries. lattismus dorsi flaps are recommended in these cases. We present a twenty eight years old male with upper extremity trauma with type 3C left homerus fracture and destruction of triceps. Reconstruction made using lattismus dorsi flap and in a two month follow up we find a 30o Extention lag comparing to the right elbow while the patient had cosmetically satisfaction.
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Submitted: 26 Feb 2017
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